Minimizing False Alarms in Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

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All Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS) are vulnerable to false alarms. It is, therefore, important for PID manufacturers to do their best to reduce false alarms in their products. Apart from purchasing the best perimeter intrusion detection system, there are things you can do to reduce false alarms.

Burglar alarm systems that give off false alarms have an adverse impact on your business, especially when your security personnel are taken away from more pressing security emergencies. Additionally, when false alarms happen too often, there may come a time that the alarm is ignored when it sounds. When that happens, it no longer acts as deterrent to crime.

False alarms in perimeter intrusion detection systems are generally caused by the following:

  • Failure to follow daily opening and closing procedures by employees.
  • Allowing suppliers and the public unlimited access to your facilities.
  • Employee error.
  • Janitorial and maintenance staff failure to follow SOP.
  • Faulty detection system.
  • Acts of nature such as strong winds and electrical storms.

Reducing and preventing false alarms in perimeter intrusion detection systems

Better accuracy of threat detection makes sure that your security staff only responds to real threats and avoid wasting their time and resources. Here’s what you can do to reduce false alarms in your PIDS:

  • Provide employee training on your perimeter intrusion detection system especially if it’s new.
  • In case of changes to your system, such as new pass codes, hold a training session to make sure all employees are informed.
  • Holiday-related false alarms are common. Be wary of untrained temporary employee, carelessness due to late night office parties and overtimes.
  • Don’t place hanging objects near motion detectors and sensors.
  • Make sure all doors and windows are kept secure before arming the system.
  • Keep the monitoring office informed about changes in pass codes, arming codes, and authorized users.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact your security provider in case you suspect that the perimeter intrusion system isn’t working properly.
  • Schedule regular system maintenance check before false alarms become frequent.
  • Upgrade all outdated alarm systems.
  • Make sure your perimeter intrusion detection system has solutions that meet your business’ specific needs.
  • Work with a reliable security provider that can take full responsibility for your security needs.

The main goal of having a perimeter intrusion detection system is to detect potential burglary in your facility. False alarms, however, can undermine the reliability of your security system. Therefore, it is important that preventing false alarms in perimeter intrusion detection systems be prioritized.